As many of you are already aware, the main cafeteria is now an all you care to eat, student-centric, dining facility. This change was made due to student input. This format offers a great value with meals being available to everyone in the RU community at 7.99, 8.99, and 9.99 for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And if you pre-buy a declining balance plan you can get those meals tax free!
If you are looking for something smaller than a complete meal, visit the Franklins Cafe in the AUD Lobby. At Franklins we offer a full-service Starbucks, Soups, Sandwiches, Pizza, Salads and more, all at ala carte pricing.
Menus and nutritional information, including allergens are available on this website. If you woul like to purchase a declining balance meal plan, faculty staff or commuter plan, please contact the Food Service Director at:
We offer plans that fit your needs and they offer the benefit of discounted dining!